The Pkunk are a fictional race of beings featured in the Star Control computer game series, introduced in the second game. The Pkunk are a race of toucan or dodo like bird creatures that are an offshoot of the Yehat. They ally with the protagonist in Star Control II as soon as he meets them. Psychologically the Pkunk resemble a stereotypical phony psychic, constantly agreeing with anything mystical the player says and basing all their decisions on universal harmony and similar grand sounding concepts. However, the Pkunk really are powerful psychics who are able to provide various hints to the player, even going so far as actual clairvoyance. Perhaps the Pkunk's greatest achievement was to convince the Yehat to turn away from their violent honour based culture, in the Yehat's own words "we only thought we were being happy birds of prey" The Pkunk believe that their psychotic neighbours, the Ilwrath, were initially wonderful and peaceful beings who became a tiny smidgen too good and wrapped all the way around to evil. To avoid such a fate, the Pkunk, as well as being harmonious and pacifistic, always make sure to be slightly annoying to all they meet.
Dienstag, 2. Dezember 2008
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